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Event Information

HRLF TM Roundtable Meeting (VIRTUAL)

August 25, 2023


Friday, August 25, 2023


8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Friday, August 25, 2023

Registration Deadline

Friday, August 25, 2023


HRLF TM Roundtable Meeting (VIRTUAL) Event Image

Agile, Design Thinking, Six Sigma, and More

Applying business processes to HR and Talent practices
Facilitated discussion

With so many business methodologies out there, what can be applied within HR? And how does this change the way we think about and lead the HR function? Find out how HR and talent leaders have been able to take processes initially designed for the business and translate them to an employee-centric approach to Human Resources.


  • Tara Davidson, CHRO, Hallmark Health Care Solutions
  • Michele Grisez, Head of Talent, UPS
  • Aaron Lincove, VP, HR Americas, Graphic Packaging International
  • Mat Winer, Director, Global Talent Management, Rheem Manufacturing Company

Program Agenda:

Program and Q&A 8:00am
Meeting Wrap-up and Networking 9:30am

Who can attend: The Sr. HR, Lean HR & Small Cap, and Talent Management Roundtable meetings are held exclusively for HRLF corporate practitioner members and prospective members free of charge (no guests, alternates or substitutions please).

Registration Fees

Member Admission
Early Standard Late




Continuing Education
