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Event Information

HRLF Sr. HR Roundtable Meeting (IN-PERSON)

April 12, 2024


Friday, April 12, 2024


7:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Registration Deadline

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


HRLF Sr. HR Roundtable Meeting (IN-PERSON) Event Image

Bridging the Generational Divide in a Fragmented World

Facilitated discussion

Unlocking the potential of a multi-generational workforce is increasingly difficult in today’s fragmented world. The employee experience desired by Baby Boomers is very different that than needed by Gen X. Attracting and retaining Millennials and Gen Z is requiring organizations to rethink talent strategies. The various generations have distinct needs when it comes to communication, connection and flexibility. Meanwhile, managers are struggling to provide a consistent, equitable experience across their teams. How can we build a cohesive culture and engage a multi-generational fragmented workforce? Please join us as we discuss strategies to build cohesion and connectivity across a multi-generational workforce to drive performance and retention.

Program Agenda:

Registration and Breakfast 7:30am
Program and Q&A 8:00am
Meeting Wrap-up and Networking 9:30am

Attendance: Roundtable meetings are informal, facilitated conversations about best practices within member organizations held exclusively for HRLF Corporate and Honorary Corporate members . We have three corporate roundtables that meet quarterly: Senior HR, Lean HR & Small Cap, and Talent Management. HRLF Corporate members may attend one, or all of the corporate roundtables depending on their interests. See our Event Policy for additional details.

Registration Fees

Member Admission
Early Standard Late




Continuing Education
