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Event Information
HRLF Sr. HR Roundtable Meeting (VIRTUAL)
HR 2023: Managing the paradox
Facilitated discussion
HR in 2023 is facing the squeeze of pressures -- from rising inflation, scarce expensive talent to global supply constraints. Find out how HR peers in the industry are doing "the tight rope walk" and making trade-offs between cost savings and talent investments, between business requirements and employee needs. What priorities are CHROs focusing on for 2023, and how are we navigating through competing, scarce resources and continuing to build leadership muscle? What change management strategies are we employing to reinvent the organization and bring the organization along. Join us as we plan for Circa 2023.
Program Agenda:
Program and Q&A | 8:00am |
Meeting Wrap-up and Networking | 9:30am |
Who can attend: The Sr. HR, Lean HR & Small Cap, and Talent Management Roundtable meetings are held exclusively for HRLF corporate practitioner members and prospective members free of charge (no guests, alternates or substitutions please).