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Event Information

HRLF Sr. HR Roundtable Meeting (VIRTUAL)

January 18, 2024


Thursday, January 18, 2024


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EST

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Registration Deadline

Thursday, January 18, 2024


HRLF Sr. HR Roundtable Meeting (VIRTUAL) Event Image

2024 - Reading the HR Tea Leaves

Facilitated discussion

Embark on a journey into the intricacies of HR strategy and the art of predicting what lies ahead in 2024. Much like a skilled tea-leaf reader deciphers patterns and symbols in tea leaves to foretell the future, HR professionals must adeptly analyze a myriad of factors to chart a course for the year ahead. Join us for a captivating exploration of "Reading the HR Tea Leaves," where seemingly subtle cues and trends are unveiled, just like the secrets hidden within the leaves of a teacup. Key topics include:

  • Strategic HR Planning: Discover the most effective HR strategies for the year 2024, including talent acquisition, retention strategies, and the evolving role of HR within organizations while emphasizing alignment with overall business objectives.
  • Workforce Trends: Uncover emerging workforce trends, such as remote work and hybrid models, and learn how to build a flexible and resilient workforce.
  • Market and Economic Outlook: Stay attuned to external market factors with insights into economic forecasts, industry-specific challenges, and geopolitical influences that may impact HR strategies.
  • Compliance and Regulations: Navigate the ever-changing landscape of HR regulations by addressing compliance challenges and ensuring adherence to labor laws and regulations.

Join us for this enlightening discussion where we'll discuss how we read the HR tea leaves and unveil the path to success in 2024. Gain actionable insights and strategic perspectives from your peers.

Program Agenda:

Program and Q&A 8:00am
Meeting Wrap-up and Networking 9:00am

Attendance: Roundtable meetings are informal, facilitated conversations about best practices within member organizations held exclusively for HRLF Corporate and Honorary Corporate members. We have three corporate roundtables that meet quarterly: Senior HR, Lean HR & Small Cap, and Talent Management. HRLF Corporate members may attend one, or all of the corporate roundtables depending on their interests. See our Event Policy for additional details.

Registration Fees

Member Admission
Early Standard Late




Continuing Education
