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Event Information

HRLF Breakfast Program (IN-PERSON)

November 17, 2023


Friday, November 17, 2023


7:30 AM - 10:00 AM EDT

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Friday, November 17, 2023

Registration Deadline

Friday, November 17, 2023


HRLF Breakfast Program (IN-PERSON) Event Image

Workforce Planning - New Paradigms

Bill Schiemann, CEO, Metrus Group
Valeria Schiemann

Even in 2018-19, traditional models and assumptions about workforce planning began to seem out of step with business requirements. The discontinuous changes brought about by the pandemic have only widened that gap. How can organizations tackle this critical need in the world of 2023? Bill and Valeria Schiemann, building on their People+Strategy article, will discuss the forces that are shaping hiring and retention and offer ideas on how to pivot to new approaches to gain a competitive advantage in workforce hiring and retention.

Program Agenda:

Registration, Breakfast & Networking 7:30am
Welcome, Announcements & Networking Breakouts 8:00am
Program and Q&A 8:30am
Meeting Wrap-up and Networking 9:30am

Attendance: HRLF members may attend all programs free of charge (no alternates or substitutions allowed). Nonmembers may attend breakfast programs for a fee. Nonmember registration requests must be submitted in advance; no on-site registrations can be accepted. Nonmember attendance is capped at eight (8) corporate nonmembers and two (2) service provider nonmembers per event, and registration priority is given to HRLF members and their nonmember guests. See our Event Policy for additional information on pricing and attendance.

Registration Fees

Member (in-person attendance)
Early Standard Late


  Registration, Breakfast & Networking

7:30 AM-8:00 AM

  Welcome, Announcements & Networking Breakouts

8:00 AM-8:30 AM

  Program and Q&A

8:30 AM-9:30 AM

  Meeting Wrap-up and Networking

9:30 AM-10:00 AM



Continuing Education
