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Event Information


Thursday, May 11, 2023


7:30 AM - 10:00 AM EDT

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Registration Deadline

Thursday, May 11, 2023


HRLF Breakfast Program Event Image

The Future of Effective Hybrid Work

Dr. Karie Willyerd, Chief Customer Strategy Officer, Learning Technologies Group plc

Five projections for the future workplace: Based on a recent survey conducted by Executive Networks, six-time award-winning Chief Talent/Learning Officer Dr. Karie Willyerd will share insights on the future of the hybrid workplace, generative artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT) and technology developments as they intersect with the employee experience. Hear about best practices of industry leaders and bring your questions and ideas to this lively dialogue!

Program Agenda:

Registration, Breakfast & Networking 7:30am
Welcome, Announcements & Networking Breakouts 8:00am
Program and Q&A 8:30am
Meeting Wrap-up and Networking 9:30am

Who attends: Breakfast programs are open to HRLF members and prospective members free of charge (approved guests are $50 - see our guest policy, no alternates or substitutions please)

Virtual Option: HRLF requires a minimum of 10 virtual participants to offer a virtual attendance option. Those that have registered to attend virtually will be notified the Friday prior to the meeting if we have/have not received enough participants to proceed with this option.

Health & Safety

Ensuring the health and well-being of our members is very important to us as we take this next step. Our commitment to our members includes following all government and host venue guidelines to ensure your safety as well as providing a larger meeting space for more social distancing.

To attend an in-person event, we request that attendees have not experienced any COVID-19 symptoms, have not tested positive, are awaiting test results, or had any contact with someone who has COVID-19 within the 5 days prior to the meeting. Attendees must follow the masking guidelines in place at any of the host venues.

By attending these in-person events, there is an assumption of risk which includes:

  1. Your participation in an in-person event includes the possibility of being exposed to and becoming ill from an infectious disease including COVID-19. This exposure risk can be reduced by taking individual responsibility to protect yourself, but the risk of serious illness and death does exist.
  2. You assume all risks related to illness and infectious disease, even if it arises from the negligence or fault of the HRLF, event host, or venue.
  3. You knowingly assume these risks including the risk of injury, harm, or loss that may be caused through negligence, fault, or conduct of the HRLF, host, or venue.

When you register for any in-person event hosted by the HRLF, you are agreeing to the assumption of risk.

Registration Fees

Member (in-person attendance)
Early Standard Late


  Registration, Breakfast & Networking

7:30 AM-8:00 AM

  Welcome, Announcements & Networking Breakouts

8:00 AM-8:30 AM

  Program and Q&A

8:30 AM-9:30 AM

  Meeting Wrap-up and Networking

9:30 AM-10:00 AM



Continuing Education
